Wheatgrass juice powder organic 250g


Special Price Fr. 25.00 Normal price Fr. 33.80

VAT included. plus shipping costs
Mindestens haltbar bis: Apr 1, 2025
Verfügbarkeit: 26 Stück

Everything you need for the perfect start to the day or your physical performance!

Juice powder is obtained from the direct juice of ancient wheat grass and can therefore be used in concentrated form as a powder. Since the entire blade of grass is not ground, you benefit more quickly and effectively from the abundance of micronutrients, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. Your body doesn't have to digest the amount of fiber before it gets the nutrients.

As a comparison: for 1 kg of ancient wheat grass juice powder, 33 kg of ancient wheat grass is required.

    • 100% natural with no additives and no pesticides
    • Raw food quality
    • high bioavailability
    • very high chlorophyll content
    • high content of iron and vitamin C
    • contains 18 amino acids (including all essential and semi-essential)
    • very rich in antioxidants, amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and minerals
    • basic

I am saved because my best-before date has almost been reached. The retail trade only takes products that have an official shelf life for a certain period of time and that is exactly where we jump into the breach for you.

Ingredients: 100% pure wheatgrass juice powder


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