Organic coconut bar 47g


Special Price Fr. 2.90 Normal price Fr. 3.40

VAT included. plus shipping costs
Mindestens haltbar bis: Jan 12, 2025
Verfügbarkeit: 50+

The intense coconut flavor takes you straight to the Caribbean! This coconut Lifebar energy bar is a popular combination of coconut, dates, nuts and vanilla, perfect for pampering on the go.

Lifebar organic energy bars are mobile, quick, healthy snacks for in between - in the office, while exercising or on the go. Due to their wide range of ingredients, Lifebars provide important vitamins and minerals that you need for everyday adventures.

I'm saved because my best-before date has almost been reached. The retail trade only takes products that officially have a certain shelf life for a certain period of time and that's exactly where we step into the breach for you.

Note: The best before date of this product may soon be exceeded or has already been exceeded. However, we carefully tested it for its sensory properties - the result: still perfectly edible. However, we recommend that you only store the product for a short time and enjoy it as soon as possible.

Ingredients: Dates* (57.8%), Nuts* (25%; Cashews*, Almonds*, Almond puree*, Cashew puree*, Hazelnut puree*), dried coconut* (17%), vanilla*.
* = From certified organic farming.


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