Also in multipack available.
This tender rosé tuna comes from sustainable MSC-certified fishing and is marinated in an aromatic vegetable broth. Perfect for a conscious diet and versatile in salads, sandwiches or warm dishes.
Content: 200g / 155g net
I am saved because my expiration date is almost reached. The retail trade only accepts products that still have a certain official shelf life and that is exactly where we step in for you.
Note: The best-before date of this product may soon be exceeded or has already passed. However, we have carefully tested it for sensory properties - the result: it is still perfectly edible. Nevertheless, we recommend storing the product only for a short time and enjoying it as soon as possible.
Ingredients: THON (Katsuwonus pelamis / Wild Caught, FAO 51, Maldives Pole & Line Bonito: MSC-F-31341), water, salt, vegetable stock.