Tea Relax Cold Brew 15 pack - 34.5g


Special Price Fr. 2.50 Normal price Fr. 4.20

VAT included. plus shipping costs
Mindestens haltbar bis: May 31, 2025
Verfügbarkeit: 50+

Contents per pack: 15 bags

Elephant tea is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to enjoy a refreshing and soothing tea without the need for hot water. The easy preparation and the natural, caffeine-free ingredients make this cold tea perfect for a quick refreshment at any time of the day. The combination of various herbs and fruits offers a soothing taste experience that is both relaxing and refreshing.

I am saved because my best-before date has almost been reached. The retail trade only takes products that have an official shelf life for a certain period of time and that is exactly where we step into the breach for you.

Note: The best before date of this product may soon be exceeded or has already been exceeded. However, we carefully tested it for its sensory properties - the result: still perfectly edible. However, we recommend that you only store the product for a short time and enjoy it as soon as possible.

Ingredients: Verbena (Aloysia citriodora) 39%, natural aroma, apple 17%, rooibos, white hibiscus, jasmine 2%


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